I knew nothing about Google Chromebook Pixel, here’s my review

I had a chance to try out the new Google Chromebook Pixel. The device got released only a couple of months ago in February 2013. And it was hyped enough due to the fact that it’s the first and only device that runs Chrome OS and has a set of good specifications.

About this review:

I’m doing this review as a tech savvy guy, who had no idea what Chrome OS was before getting this laptop. I’m mainly a windows user, and I would consider myself as a power user and not the type that just browses the web.
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Google Wallet on Unsupported Devices (Guide)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although this method has worked for me and a few friends, many people reported that it didn’t work on their phones. Try it at your own risk.

Before I jump into my guide of getting Google Wallet on unsupported devices, I should talk briefly about what is Google Wallet.
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How to get Whatsapp on an Android tablet (Guide & Video)

In this guide I’m going to go through how to get Whatsapp on an Android tablet. Many friends have asked me about this and now with the Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and more Android tablets getting popular, I thought I should write down a quick guide for getting Whatsapp on an Android tablet.


If you’re like me, you like your phone for minimum tasks. And your tablet for the rest of the apps, then you’d really want to get Whatsapp on your Android tablet. It saves your phone’s battery, space, and just gives you a chance to focus on your daily life instead of having many people sending you stuff that most likely can wait until you get home.
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