Google Wallet on Unsupported Devices (Guide)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although this method has worked for me and a few friends, many people reported that it didn’t work on their phones. Try it at your own risk.

Before I jump into my guide of getting Google Wallet on unsupported devices, I should talk briefly about what is Google Wallet.
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Android wallpapers (for the Nexus 4, 7, Galaxy Nexus, and S3)

Don’t you just love Android wallpapers and how you can arrange your widgets in a very personalized way? Every now and then I spend some time to gather wallpapers for my Android and get the feeling of a new phone again. The last time was a batch of Samsung Galaxy S3 wallpapers and I was surprised that it got spread all around the web. It even crashed my server because of the downloads :). So I realized that everyone just loves to have the best Android wallpapers. And now I’m sharing my Nexus wallpapers with the community. (Here is the first batch if you missed it)
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Samsung Galaxy S4 wallpapers for the new owners.

Now that the Samsung Galaxy S4 has been released. It’s time for the new owners to look for some new Samsung Galaxy S4 wallpapers. Because the original Galaxy S4 wallpapers are kinda boring. Not that I really know about the new wallpapers. But based on my experience with the Galaxy S3 wallpapers and Galaxy S2 wallpapers I’m sure everyone will be looking for some other beautiful Android wallpapers.
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Ultimate guide on Android Battery Saving Methods

I’m sure everyone is looking for the best and ultimate Android battery saving methods. Many people may disagree on the importance of many smartphone features. But everybody agrees that battery life on smartphones is something that must be improved.

Android has some advantages and disadvantages in this field. On one hand, Android has full freedom of complete multitasking. You can have so many things running in the background checking for mails, services, new posts on different websites, or even Air pressure reporting services. On the other hand, this luxury doesn’t come for free. This makes every background service consume some CPU, memory, and therefore battery. That’s the reason that made me look into the best Android battery saving methods. And I can say I found out great results about the best battery saver app for android!
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How to get Whatsapp on an Android tablet (Guide & Video)

In this guide I’m going to go through how to get Whatsapp on an Android tablet. Many friends have asked me about this and now with the Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and more Android tablets getting popular, I thought I should write down a quick guide for getting Whatsapp on an Android tablet.


If you’re like me, you like your phone for minimum tasks. And your tablet for the rest of the apps, then you’d really want to get Whatsapp on your Android tablet. It saves your phone’s battery, space, and just gives you a chance to focus on your daily life instead of having many people sending you stuff that most likely can wait until you get home.
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137 Galaxy S3 wallpapers re-sized perfectly

I was in the mood to look for some Galaxy S3 wallpapers and I gathered about 137 images and re-sized them to fit perfectly on my Samsung Galaxy S3.

Android wallpapers can be a bit confusing sometimes. Unlike iOS with the static wallpaper similar to the ones in your PC. The Android wallpaper has a feature of scrolling to the left or to the right. And of course, the wallpaper will scroll with your movement which gives a big sense of smoothness. The trick here though, is when you decide to make your own wallpaper and go open Adobe Photoshop or any other image editing application, you’ll get confused about what resolution you have to use. I mean, the phone is (just as an example) about 800 by 400 pixels. But the screen scrolls to both directions. The solution especially for Android phones (because tablets is a whole different story) is to take the width of your screen and multiply it by two. Because if you look at exactly the middle of your current wallpaper while your have your launcher in the middle screen. And then scroll all the way to the left, you will notice that the exact middle point is now exactly at the edge of your screen. So the wallpaper has shifted exactly by 50% in the opposite direction. Of course, your Galaxy S3 wallpapers will shift also by 50% when you scroll to the right.
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