How to fix and store Unicode in MySQL using PHP

One obstacle about programming is learning how to code, and then a whole new level for people dealing with bi-lingual and non-Latin applications is the Unicode issue. I sometimes spend more time trying to figure out how to solve something so silly like how to store unicode in mysql using php more than coding the whole thing! That’s why I thought I’d make this quick article about how to fix unicode in a mysql database.
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I knew nothing about Google Chromebook Pixel, here’s my review

I had a chance to try out the new Google Chromebook Pixel. The device got released only a couple of months ago in February 2013. And it was hyped enough due to the fact that it’s the first and only device that runs Chrome OS and has a set of good specifications.

About this review:

I’m doing this review as a tech savvy guy, who had no idea what Chrome OS was before getting this laptop. I’m mainly a windows user, and I would consider myself as a power user and not the type that just browses the web.
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Google Wallet on Unsupported Devices (Guide)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although this method has worked for me and a few friends, many people reported that it didn’t work on their phones. Try it at your own risk.

Before I jump into my guide of getting Google Wallet on unsupported devices, I should talk briefly about what is Google Wallet.
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Android wallpapers (for the Nexus 4, 7, Galaxy Nexus, and S3)

Don’t you just love Android wallpapers and how you can arrange your widgets in a very personalized way? Every now and then I spend some time to gather wallpapers for my Android and get the feeling of a new phone again. The last time was a batch of Samsung Galaxy S3 wallpapers and I was surprised that it got spread all around the web. It even crashed my server because of the downloads :). So I realized that everyone just loves to have the best Android wallpapers. And now I’m sharing my Nexus wallpapers with the community. (Here is the first batch if you missed it)
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Samsung Galaxy S4 wallpapers for the new owners.

Now that the Samsung Galaxy S4 has been released. It’s time for the new owners to look for some new Samsung Galaxy S4 wallpapers. Because the original Galaxy S4 wallpapers are kinda boring. Not that I really know about the new wallpapers. But based on my experience with the Galaxy S3 wallpapers and Galaxy S2 wallpapers I’m sure everyone will be looking for some other beautiful Android wallpapers.
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